About Me

Hello, my name is diana and I would like to tell you a little about myself.

I was born and raised in Hannibal, Missouri. Yes, the town made famous by Samuel Clemens (pen name Mark Twain), Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer. I have spent most my life in Missouri with a quick stint in New Mexico and then on to Georgia.

My education is in finance and I worked most my life in the field, in one position or another. After many, many years, I decided I needed a change and retired from the finance world. It has taken me a few years to get settled, but I am finally doing what I love, crafting!

Crafting is a very broad term, but so are my interests. I started off making cards; birthday, thank you, holiday, etc, as you will see on this site. I then transitioned into taking old jewelry and turned it into wonderful representations of common items such as Christmas trees, angels, butterflies, etc. These new creations are difficult to describe, so please look at some of the examples I have on this site. I also weave, make paper, paint, stamp, emboss, make jewelry, metal work, draw, etc. You will see each of these in my crafts in one form or another.

I get assistance once in a while from friends and family, but for the most part it is just me and my three “helpers”, Dara, Magic and Katie, my cats. So don’t be surprised if you see a slight customization that looks like it may have come from a helpful pet.

Look around and make sure you sign up for emails on specials, events and news from me on the "Contact" page.

Thank you for visiting, diana
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My "assistants"
Handcrafted Items for all Occasions

Jeweled Pictures by diana